Sunday, November 25, 2012

Random Wanderings

I admit that I am an avid web surfer for information about the subjects that interest me. Therefore, I will be posting some various items under this category just for fun and to share the things that I like or I find interesting or inspiring.

One thing I found out in my wanderings today is that one of my ancestors "brutally murdered his wife" and was executed for it back in 1750 in York County, Pennsylvania. Apparently, a researcher from Adams County, PA (part of York County was used for current day Adams County) wrote and published a 9-page paper about the settling of the estate of my ancestor. I suppose this hit me a little bit hard today because this is the first time I found out one of my ancestors did something like this. I suppose it takes a little while to get used to.

Also, today in my wanderings, much to my surprise, I found out the city I live in, from the 2010 census is ranked number 195 by population size. Who would of thought that?! We are 2 behind Topeka, KS and just below Thousand Oaks, California. We have 2 more people than Cedar Rapids, Iowa and about 90 more people than Waco, Texas. Well, I guess it's good to have an idea of other cities that are close in size - for us historians and people interested in things like that.

Okay, how does Austin, Texas come in at Number 13? I suppose they don't have very many suburbs around that area. Long Beach, CA is #36 and Kansas City is #37. I would not have thought that either. Certainly gives me a better indicator of how the population is out there. It seems as it the eastern cities and the far west coast cities would have been higher on the list.

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